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Water Supply

07-24-24: Live flows on Tumalo Creek and Deschutes River have dropped to levels that we are unable to continue with 70% delivery to our Patrons. Expect low and fluctuating flows until July 29th.

We will start a week ON/week OFF rotation starting this Monday, the 29th. We expect to be able to extend the irrigation season into at least the 3rd week of September with this change.

Rotation this year will not be a NORTHSIDE/SOUTHSIDE rotation. Instead, we will be doing a PIPED or DITCH rotation. With a couple of small exceptions that we will communicate to applicable Patrons.

Monday at 7 a.m., the PIPED deliveries will be shut OFF.

If you would like to volunteer to shut down for the season, please let the office know so we can use that water for other Patrons.

07-16-24: At the July 9th board meeting it was decided that we will continue to deliver 70% without rotation until our next board meeting on August 13th. At that time, we will discuss rotation and shut off date.

06-11-24: Tumalo Creek is starting to drop.  In preparation of a decrease in flows, field staff will begin adjusting headgates & valves and setting everyone back to 70%. Expections for rotation are explained below in the Crescent Lake Update below.

06-11-24: Crescent Lake Update - We are not gaining as much as we had hoped. What does this mean for the remainder of our season? We will have to do a rotation at some point to get us to the end.

Water started on April 15th. Please call the office at (541) 382-3053 in advance to be put on the list if you want water! We do not automatically open everyone’s gates and valves.

If you do not already know where our water supply comes from, you can read a brief overview here.

To view  Crescent Lake's level, click here. This data is updated daily and shows current data about the Deschutes River Basin Storage and Discharge.

To view Tumalo Creek's daily flow, click here.

The OSU Extension Service included an article in their most recent newsletter on page 4 about Drought Year Management. If you are interested in reading this article you can view the newsletter here.

The Oregon Water Resources Department maintains a drought website that provides the status of current water conditions and state drought declarations, as well as information on what you can do to use water wisely.  Visit their drought page here.

View Current Hydromet readings for the Deschutes Basin here.